it's easy

You have what it takes to guide your child through their struggles, helping them become their best selves, leaving them feeling confident + capable. But the barrage of conflicting “parenting hacks” found online can make it challenging. Stop the scroll. We’ve distilled it down to the brass tacks. Our simple, yet effective framework will reshape the way you guide your child. 

it takes no time at all

We know family-life can feel UNDERwhelming, and yet we’re OVERwhelmed by ALL. THE. THINGS. Escape the whirlwind as you learn to efficiently manage the chaos with our FREE 3-step guide. You’ll gain an invaluable approach that sheds the weight of overwhelm along the way.

no more flying solo

We’ll show you how one simple thing can get everyone sharing your mental load and pitching in—without being asked. Together, you’ll tackle challenges, celebrate triumphs, and navigate life hand-in-hand.  

3 easy steps towards becoming the parent and family you aspire to be

It’s hard to be a parent and maintain your sanity, let alone feel like you’re doing it right. With our complementary guide, in 3 easy steps, you and your family will connect without friction, communicate more effectively, and bond in the process.

Tired of the DIY... benefit from our unwavering guidance and support with our Thriving Family Accelerator.

what our fams say

“Jordan was able to identify with my problems as a wife and mother as if she had been living in my head for years! Everything she spoke about was exactly what I’ve been struggling with. Her 3-Step Framework was exactly what we needed, without even realizing it. I’ve gone from burnt-out wife and mom to having confidence my husband and I (as a team) are doing the right things to raise kids of good character. Truly transformational!”


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about Families of Character

We’re here to reveal the confident + capable parent in you. Our journey together involves simple strategies that lead to deeper connections, fulfillment, and boundless joy.

Family life should be an adventure! Join us + transform the mundane into moments of magic.